السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
ThInk, Think, ThinK....who am I? Of course, I am servant of Allah, I'm a student, I'm a daughter and I'm a friend. What is my role as a servant of Allah, student, daughter and friend? Do I have to perform all the responsibilities given? Yes, I try my very best. InsyAllah.
Today, I had perform my responsibility as a student. At 9.00 am, in the class of Learning and Development Student (KPP3014), I had learnt about The role of the factors in Human Development. There was two kind of factors that effect the human development, biological factors and environment factors. The biological factors include genetic lineage, chromosome and the environment factors include family, peers and school.
At 4.00 pm, I had attend the class of Phonology, major class of Arabic language. We had learnt about the name of dictionaries that we use as a references in Arabic language. In addition, we had learnt about the writers, the contents and others that related to the dictionaries.
Today, I felt quit difficult to learn both of the subject because it was in English and Arabic language. But, I try to calm myself and told that try to focus to the lecture and ask the lecturer if there any problem. After that, alhamdulillah, problem solved, I can walked home with big smile. Thank You Allah SWT.