السلام عليكم ورحمة االه وبركاته
All praises to Allah SWT, today I'm still breathing, I'm still have the opportunity to live in His world. Thank You Allah SWT, I pray for Your forgiveness, for all my sins.
Today, my day began at 6.00 am, I mean I woke early in the morning to do my pray for my Creator. I felt calm when I read the Quran and memorize it. It taught me a lot of good things, that can apply in my life. My class begin at 9.00 am, so before that, I did some revision for my subject today.

12.00 pm - The class of grammar was began. In Arabic it known as "نحو الوسيط". Today, we had learnt about subject and predicative, in Arabic "المبتدأ والخبر". There had a group of three that responsible to explain to us about the topic. Their explanation was very clear and accurate. The class was dismiss at 1.00 pm.
5.00 pm - The class of Basic of Translation : Theoretical and Practical. In this subject, we had learnt how to translate a Arabic Task to Malay language, with the right grammar for both language. The class was dismiss at 7.00 pm.
As I say just now, my day was very pack. I felt tired but at the same time, I'm happy because I had learnt new things and I can add them as my knowledge. Thank you Allah, thank you lecturers, thank you bus drivers and thank you my friends.
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